Ornamental fisheries

Ornamental fisheries

Ornamental fisheries (fish for the aquarium trade) are a crucial component of international wildlife trade. FAO has estimated that the worth of international trade for ornamental fish has increased by around 14% per annum since 1985. it's been valued at approximately USD 15 billion per annum as a combined figure for freshwater and marine species.

Developing countries account for about two-thirds of the entire export and intrinsically ornamental fisheries often play an important role in human livelihoods and development. for instance, within the Rio Negro of the Amazon in Brazil, the decorative fishery is liable for around 70% of the revenue of the Barcelos municipality and is crucial for nearly 1,000 families directly involved within the fishery. In Kerala, India, 114 seafood species are exported for the decorative fish trade (Tlusty et al., 2008).

However, there are variety of challenges facing those counting on ornamental fisheries for his or her livelihoods, including equitable sharing of advantages, problems caused by habitat loss and degradation, harmful fishing practices (especially overfishing), introduced species and changes in international trade patterns as a results of consumer preferences, methods of fish production and international regulation.

Despite these challenges, done at sustainable levels, extraction of freshwater ornamental fish is often both an important component of human livelihoods and a mechanism for environmental protection. Many of those fisheries are within and believe intact tropical forests. intrinsically ornamental fisheries are often used as a base mechanism to avoid deforestation and protect remaining forests. they will, therefore, become a force in reducing the worldwide carbon trading economy, also as a motive for local people to guard their forests and water bodies against other detrimental impacts. Furthermore, the reduced got to invest in avoided deforestation has the potential to free up some resources for “…shoring up the fisheries management milieu where needed, or in investing within the community to supply access to fishery grounds through land acquisition, also as programs to supply insurance and unemployment/retirement benefits to fisherfolk